Get Your Fusion Power Hot or Cold — and Sooner than Later
Published by alexg on May 24th, 2007 in Emerging Science with 3 Comments
There seems to be a disappointing lack of knowledge and interest in fusion technology — at any temperature.
While the cold fusion research of Pons and Fleishman remains controversial and even embarassing in the eyes of the media, work continues on this technology. In fact, Italian and Japanese scientists just demonstrated successful tests which produced measurable — perhaps even considerable — releases of energy.
Oddly, days before the new announcements, Popular Science “decided” to run an article calling cold fusion “mythical” and termed the work of scientists worldwide as “false progress”. Coincidences no longer surprise me so it’s not the timing I hold suspect but the odd wording. Then again, PopSci has to remain “popular” with the cool kids.
In case you consider the term “cold fusion” a punchline to a science joke, it’s important to note that the original Pons and Fleishman cold fusion experiments have been reproduced and then modified by scientists around the world. It’s a real phenomenon. The reaction is measurable. And it’s happening on a tabletop. Nobody’s powering a car or even heating water sufficiently for tea, but there’s no telling where this research might lead.
Fusion creates power with little or no waste. It’s literally star power — in hot fusion we’re not inventing anything new to the universe. Cold fusion might be another matter but there is no reason to remain skeptical — it’s real. While hot fusion power plants will need massive infrastructure, requiring multi-nation cooperation (no surprise that progress has been slow), cold fusion might be the grassroots alternative which may be able to provide the kind of decentralized energy production people seem to unamimously desire.
After all, if you’re human you know what happens when power becomes concentrated.
Make energy production clean, decentralized, and inexpensive and you’ve got everyone’s attention– even car enthusiasts.
Cold or hot, fusion is the future — and it’s within our grasp. Now all we need is backbone… and more research.
Tags: cold fusion, electricity, government, hot fusion, nuclear fusion, power, science
« Extreme coincidences: My deck attacked while I was posting about UFOsLet’s Skip the War Path to Tech Progress »3 Responses to “Get Your Fusion Power Hot or Cold — and Sooner than Later”
Johnathan Chan Says:
May 25th, 2008 at 8:23 pm
You know decentralization is a great strategy for energy policy when you see what has happened in the computer industry. Just look at what happened when mainframe computers in the early 1960’s finally became “personal” computers spurred on by Apple and a whole host of PC innovators enabled by semiconductors. We now carry miniaturized computers around and hardly anyone realizes just what a miracle in miniaturization has occurred in just three decades.
The latest Japanese and Italian news is indeed another big positive step I feel, based on what I’m reading in the press and elsewhere. As one bright scientist remarked years ago ..”the future is often right in front of us we just don’t see it until many other breakthroughs combine to make new dreams become possible.” Fusion energy is one of those items that will dominate the future much like oil does in the world I see ahead.
Years ago Michael Faraday commented on semiconductors:
In those days, who could have foreseen the world we have today dominated by semi-conductor electronics? There are many other fields of study with similar stories from Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Medicine, Computers, Software, etc.
Analogy of sorts: The future of any new technology is usually right before our eyes as an infant - at first ,crying and screaming as it is birthed onto the world wanting its diaper changed with parents that eventually tired of babysitting and changing during long nights of feeding. The infant grows and matures with a whole host of people helping, even schools and teachers. As it grows, stands on its own legs and forms relationships, it starts to determine it’s own destiny.
Sure, like any child it starts talking back to its parents and often rebels. The first signs of an independent identity forming as a child psychologist will tell you. Smart parents let this happen, but within reasonable bounds they feel comfortable with. Poor parents let the child run wild and give it the car keys to wreak havoc before it has the proper guidance to drive. The parent’s job is to be a wise counselor to help it gain a moral footing in society. “No Amy 12 you can’t legally drive! ” Without that , a children can become uncontrollable. Eventually religious virtues start to appear as the child grows. But who’s virtues? Guess what , your child may want to pick his own religion perhaps. Ok. Afterall the young adult will become part of society anfc go to college and mix with many friends from all over the world ..right? With sufficient guidance and boundary setting, hopefully maturity comes and along with wisdom the young adult learns to adapt and fit in and contributes productively to society. If it hadn’t already started way back by 2 or 3 years old, it starts to beg for even money from mom and dad as it turns 18 and 19. Dad ..I’m a growing fusion reactor..give me $$ or else!!!”. But son “I thought we agreed you would find a job to bay for your schooling and you would raise your own college funds.” We’re on a budget son ..”you’ll have to contribute some of your own son, but we can help some.” Parents who just give money to their children often get spoiled children ..right?
As historians will tell you, the key individuals who saw where the new infants of technologies were going were the ones who helped shape its destiny and capitalized on it. Of course there are those like me, who just like to observe and comment and complain as I see someone else’s child cruising the neighborhood sneeking out to borrow the car at night , or get drunk while the parents aren’t watching, and start to go-online and meet millions of new friends the world over who will now help influence the child’s development and rearing process in ways we never dreamed of when we were children. !!!
Keep at it. Lord knows there are many angels worldwide trying to help this child grow up.
M. Simon Says:
May 25th, 2008 at 9:48 pm
For real power this is a better bet:
Easy Low Cost No Radiation Fusion
tesla motors inc Says:
December 9th, 2008 at 11:19 am
WASHINGTON - The three major U.S auto manufacturers are begging Congress for a $25 billion government rescue, while the legislation clings to life support in Congress and top lawmakers and the White House suffer from bailout fatigue.
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